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How to achieve a chippy finish with furniture paint

The chippy look is a great way to create a vintage furniture piece that owns character. Milk paint doesn’t typically chip or peel on wood. However with the assistance of hemp oil or a beeswax finish, here’s how to create the unique chippy look finish using Fusion Milk Paint.



How it's done


Prep your furniture, then apply your base colour.


Once dry, apply your resist to your surface. This can either be the fusion hemp oil or beeswax finish. In the video example above you can view both outcomes as the process is the same. The top colour will chip in the areas where you apply the resist, so be strategic on how that’s placed during this stage as that will determine the final look. A good technique is to use your finger and dab/ rub the product in a scattered uneven motion.

milk paints


Apply your paint colour but don’t overwork this layer and try to apply the paint in one coat. You should almost instantly see the resist technique working and the paint separating.

Let the paint dry for 30 minutes and you will see the paint chip away naturally. For the full effect you may need to sand the surface down very gently.

Here you can see how the two different resists took to the milk paint.


To seal the chipping paint, use the Fusion Mineral Paint Clear Top coat as that will stop it from chipping any more.

And as a finishing though you can dab on some hemp oil with a cloth as this brings out the colours.


There are so many other looks that you can achieve using milk paint!

get your look card

Download the free PDF guide to preview the full Milk Paint by Fusion colour range as well as lots of information on how to prep the paint for different looks!


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