Shabby Nook for Home Furniture Painting and Restoration. Specialist Furniture Paint Supplier
Owner of Shabby Nook Shereena Starmer is passionate about unique design, embracing creativity and helping customers to create their own unique home.
" I love different, never been a run of the mill kinda girl, I like to look at things from a different angle... shake things up a bit. Shabby Nook is my passion. Allows me to be totally bonkers and offers a sanctuary from the norm. It ticks all the boxes and keeps my creative spirit going. Shabby Nook is ever changing and developing. With lots of spontaneity thrown in for good measure."
Established in 2013 Furniture painting has been at the heart of the business from day one. From working at home for friends and family to setting up shops in Burton town centre and growing the business into a well known establishment in Burton on Trent. 4 shops later its time to pivot and refine and shift a gear in order to meet the demands and needs of our customers.
Now primarily an online business operating from a small industrial unit AKA Shabby Nook Studio serving our many professional furniture painters & DIY'rs across the UK and Europe. But still serving our lovely local customers of Burton Upon Trent and surrounding areas.