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A client's kitchen in Dixie Belle All-In-One

A client's kitchen in Dixie Belle All-In-One

Painting your kitchen is the most practical, eco-friendly and inexpensive way of giving your kitchen a re-fresh. With the kitchen being the heart of your home, it’s always a great idea to achieve a new look and it’s one of my favourite commissioned projects!

Very recently, myself and the team worked on a client’s kitchen using the new Dixie Belle Silk-All-In-One range, here’s exactly how it was done…

As all the doors and hardware needed to be removed, I always made sure to number the doors as it makes life a lot easier later on. With masking tape, I taped down all sensitive surfaces such as tiles and glass. You can also tape the backs of the doors should you not wish to paint those. I used delicate/ low tack masking tape for the areas that I need to cut into, such as next to wall paper or tiles.

professional hand painted kitchen

I clean the kitchen cabinets down with a strong degreasing agent such as Grime Cutter before sanding down. To sand, I used a sanding machine and for any areas that need a light scuff I use the Dixie Belle Sponge Sanding Pads. Sanding the cabinets down is important in ensuring the surface is dull and ready for paint, for this reason you don’t need to sand back to bare wood.

Prime your furniture. If your kitchen surface is laminate then Dixie Belle Slick Stick Primer is the product for you. Slick Stick applies very easy and it’s a smooth adhesion primer, which makes it a firm favourite of mine. To apply the primer, I used a combination of microfibre rollers, Staalmeester Roller and the pointed sash brush which is used on the contour of the doors.

Then, a denib sand, which is a very light soft sand, to remove any particles that have fallen into the paint work. Before moving onto the next step, I would do a scratch test to make sure the primer has taken to the furniture.

And now for the fun part… paint! I would recommend Dixie Belle All In One Mineral Paint as it’s so easy to paint with. Two coats apply on the cabinets like an absolute dream and achieves a really smooth, fabulous finish. My top tip for this step is to make sure you don’t over roll the paint but to lay the paint on and off, quickly and with a light hand.

In the event that your kitchen cabinets ‘bleed-through’ (bleed-through is the orange-like tannins that shows through the paint work especially when painting with light colours) I would apply another coat of Silk-All-In-One as it owns stain blocking properties that will take care of the discolouring.

hand painting furniture
hand painted finish


hand painting furniture process

The paint takes 21 days to cure, so at this stage I take extra care of the newly painted surfaces. This includes no knocking the surface and don’t put anything hard or wet on it as it goes through a curing period. I always advise top coating kitchens regardless of the paint used. My all time favourite top coat by General Finishes, High Performance Top Coat in Satin.

Apply two coats of general finishes over the carcass and the doors. I like to use a roller for the main surfaces and then the Poly Brush Applicators for detailing and cutting in tighter areas.

Nearly done! To finish off, I carefully removed the masking tape, put the knobs and handles back on and refit the doors, making sure they are aligned. For this job in particular we did have some trouble with the drawers (every job has its pain point!) and it nearly took us two hours to fit a drawer front  back on!

For an additional change to your kitchen, change the hardware, spray it or even use some metallic paints or gliding waxes for a subtle change.

Shereena’s Top Tip
If you plan on taking on this project yourself, it’s very important to be organised and methodical. Painting your kitchen will take time and will most likely need 4 weekends to complete, so don’t rush it! The kitchen will easily last another 10 years, so take care and don’t cut corners.

Shabby Nook’s Hand Painted Kitchens
We are professional kitchen and furniture painters specialising in hand painted kitchens, custom painted furniture and decorative accents in the home. We work on local commissioned jobs in the areas of  Burton, Derby, Ashby, Lichfield, North/South Derbyshire…
Find out more on our kitchen painting services here

For more information or tips on how to transform your home on a budget, join the Furniture Painting Hub private Facebook group where you can ask questions, be inspired and get support on your painting journey!


  • Thank you for all the fantastic tips on how to paint your kitchen with the new Dixie Belle Satin paint. I am about to start this very same project on an old laminate kitchen. In step 2 you recommend sending the kitchen down. Would you still recommend it for a laminate and if so what sanding paper strength. During my pre project research I read conflicting advice as wether to sand or not the surfaces which got me confused.
    Many thanks

    - Anonymous
  • Hi I was interested to see you have used the Dixie Belle also their primer . I have bought the fusion with Whitsons primer ,as I normally use fusion. I am doing my kitchen in the spring . Would you advice I change to Dixie Belle as I want a good finish .Tia Grace.

    - Grace

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